The Lagoon of Tacarigua is a coastal lagoon that constitutes a lagoon separated from the sea by a restinga, and which also possesses a high productivity, manifested in its numerous marine resources, beautiful landscapes which enhance with their colors the potential of the lagoon for tourism and recreation.
The Laguna de Tacarigua, like other lagoons in the sub-region of the Barloventeño coast, has been under great pressure in recent years, due to the urban-recreational boom and the development of the road network.
The Venezuelan State has taken several initiatives aimed at ordering the occupation and exploitation of the geographical space; These initiatives highlight the development of plans for urban and tourist development and the creation of the Laguna de Tacarigua National Park.
This national park was established by Decree No. 1607 dated February 13, 1974. The park is located in the jurisdiction of the Paez Municipality of Miranda State and covers an area of 18,400 hectares of land and water surfaces. The polygon that forms its boundaries, has 30 km. long in its front of coast and sea to the north and about 6 km. of approximately width, and it encloses an outstanding variety of physical and panoramic elements, among which the sandy cord that separates the lagoon from the sea, the water mirror of the lagoon, the rich mangrove formations and the abundant and showy avifauna stand out.
The boundaries of the park east and west are the Cúpira and Guapo rivers, respectively. The towns near the park are: Tacarigua de la Laguna, San José de Río Chico, El Guapo and Cúpira.
For many years, the Tacarigua Lagoon has been a relatively important center for fishing activities of the artisanal and semi-industrial type. In more recent times the surrounding lands, most of which were dedicated to agricultural operations, were revalued considerably in the real estate market, due to the urbanization with tourism purposes and the development of areas for recreation at sea. The establishment of the park has been an effective instrument to put aside a considerable portion of land and water from speculative transactions, which in this way definitively passed into the public domain for the benefit of majorities.
Historical review
The Lagoon of Tacarigua is a coastal lagoon that constitutes a lagoon separated from the sea by a restinga, and which also possesses a high productivity, manifested in its numerous marine resources, beautiful landscapes which enhance with their colors the potential of the lagoon for tourism and recreation.
The Laguna de Tacarigua, like other lagoons in the sub-region of the Barloventeño coast, has been under great pressure in recent years, due to the urban-recreational boom and the development of the road network.
The Venezuelan State has taken several initiatives aimed at ordering the occupation and exploitation of the geographical space; These initiatives highlight the development of plans for urban and tourist development and the creation of the Laguna de Tacarigua National Park.
This national park was established by Decree No. 1607 dated February 13, 1974. The park is located in the jurisdiction of the Paez Municipality of Miranda State and covers an area of 18,400 hectares of land and water surfaces. The polygon that forms its boundaries, has 30 km. long in its front of coast and sea to the north and about 6 km. of approximately width, and it encloses an outstanding variety of physical and panoramic elements, among which the sandy cord that separates the lagoon from the sea, the water mirror of the lagoon, the rich mangrove formations and the abundant and showy avifauna stand out.
The boundaries of the park east and west are the Cúpira and Guapo rivers, respectively. The towns near the park are: Tacarigua de la Laguna, San José de Río Chico, El Guapo and Cúpira.
For many years, the Tacarigua Lagoon has been a relatively important center for fishing activities of the artisanal and semi-industrial type. In more recent times the surrounding lands, most of which were dedicated to agricultural operations, were revalued considerably in the real estate market, due to the urbanization with tourism purposes and the development of areas for recreation at sea. The establishment of the park has been an effective instrument to put aside a considerable portion of land and water from speculative transactions, which in this way definitively passed into the public domain for the benefit of majorities.
No. and Date
1,067 dated 13/02/1974 / GO 30,337 dated 223/02/1974.
to download
Plan of Regulation and Regulation of use
No. and Date
to download
Nº 1643 dated 05/06/1991 / GO Nº 34.758 dated 18/07/1991.
to download
24º C – 28º C.
Precipitation (mm)
1,000 – 1,500 mm.
Superfice (Ha)
Total Area (Ha)
Public consultation
Date of the Public Consultation workshops
03 to 05/04/91
Geological and Geomorphological Information
It covers an area of relief of marine fluvial alluvial plain that goes from sea level to 10 meters above sea level. It highlights a coastal lagoon about 30 kilometers long, separated from the sea by a restinga or sandbar and communicated with it through a mouth located towards the western end of the lagoon. It is a lagoon located between two important rivers of the region: the Cúpira in the East and El Guapo in the West.
The vegetation is constituted by mangrove swamps and savanna areas covered with shrubby grasses, the first being the vegetation formations that surrounds the most representative lagoon of the park. The vegetation of palyas and dunes is formed by colonies of graminea, commonly called saladillo Sporoborolus virginicus and by low herbs with stems and fleshy leaves.
There is the red mangrove Rhizophora mangle, the black mangrove Avicennia germinans, the white mangrove Laguncularia racemosa and the botoncillo Conocarpus erectus. In the sandy grounds located behind the mangroves in the bar or restinga it is common to find the beach uvero Cocoloba uvifera.
The wildlife of the park has its most representative element in the water birds of the lagoons and mangroves. Among the islets you can see flocks of red echolocras ruber corocoras, the brown heron Ardea cocoi and the Cotua Phalacrocorax olivaceus, in the deeper areas where they dive to fish, as well as the pelican or pelican Pelecanus occidentalis, the seagull Sterna fuscata, the guanaguare Larus atricilla, the earwig Fregata magnificens. Also included in the park are species included in the Red Book of Fauna, as they are threatened, vulnerable or in danger of extinction, such as crocodylus acutus crocodile, Chelonia mydas green turtle, Dermochelys coriacea turtle, turtle Hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata, the loggerhead turtle Caretta and the flamingo Phoenicopterus rube. The diversity of fish is notable especially for choosing mangroves as a place for spawning. Among the main species that serve for the sustenance of the population we can mention: the lebranche, fish much sought after almost all year round, the mullet, the bass, the sole, the snooker, the ray, among others.
For its visitors, one of the most attractive aspects of this place are its landscapes.
The visit to the park is from 05:00 am to 06:30 pm
Location from the Nearest City
The Laguna de Tacarigua National Park is located in the central region of the Barloventeño coast, in the jurisdiction of the Páez Municipality of the Miranda State.
How to get
Through the Caracas-El Guapo-Río Chico-Tacarigua de la Laguna highway, and via the Barcelona-El Guapo route.
Recommendations for the Visitor
When navigating narrow and shallow channels, it should be done with the engine off.
Forbidden activities
Commercial fishing, hunting.