It is located between the states of Barinas, Mérida and Táchira.
A thick fog that practically floods its forests until well into the morning.
Average temperatures between 12 and 30º C.
It has an area of 205,000 ha.
It was declared a national park on January 14, 1993.
Geological and Geomorphological Information
The park consists of cloud forests, evergreen forests and semi-deciduous forests. Its main objective is the protection of the areas surrounding the hydroelectric complex Uribante-Caparo. The potential of the region is mainly hydric, containing in its interior numerous rivers and streams, such as Canaguá, Guimaral, Mucuchachí, Mucupatí, Aricagua and Tucupido, Río The Caño that drains to the Caparo River, and next to the Camburito River constitutes the Main axis of the Uribante-Caparo Hydroelectric complex (La Vueltosa Dam – Dry Edge), as well as the Santa Barbara and Tapo rivers.
Andean páramos (including shrub, herbaceous and desert wastelands). Very humid forests. Subalpine rain páramo. Alpine pluvial tundra and snowy formation. The vegetation is dominated by the Andean páramos, characterized by herbaceous-shrubby communities of variable density and height between 2 – 3 m. Among the bushes stand out the composite, ericaceas and melastomatáceas. It is characterized by the presence of numerous species of frailejones of the Espeletia and Coespeletia genus. From 3,000 meters above sea level, some endemic frailejones such as Coespeletia spicats and Coespeletia timotensis develop. Ferns of the genus Jamesonia and numerous mosses, liverworts, lichens and fungi are also found. The characteristic tree is the coloradito Polylepis serisea.
The following species are found: Jaguar Panthera onca, Tremarctos ornatus bear, Leopardus pardalis cunaguar, Agouti paca lapa, Alouatta seniculus monkey, Nasua nasua guache fox, Dasypus novemcinctus cachicamo, Pauxi pauxi stone paují, Rupicola mountain rooster peruviana Between the reptiles the tragavenado Boa constrictor can be mentioned.
This is one of the most recently declared national parks, and its main purpose is to protect the areas of the Uribante-Caparo hydroelectric complex. Also, in its extension migratory birds that go from the mountain to the plain are appreciated. It also serves as a connection between the Sierra Nevada National Park, the Caparo Uribante Reserve and the Caparo River.
Tapo-Caparo has two main options for recreation, the spas of the Santa Bárbara and Tapo rivers.
They are not established.
Location from the Nearest City
The Tapo-Caparo National Park is located in the Southeast of San Cristóbal, between the states Barinas, Mérida and Táchira.
How to get
By road following the Barinas road to San Cristóbal. After passing Santa Bárbara, 46 km ahead, we continue towards Santa María de Caparo.
Recommendations for the Visitor
Protect nature, do not throw waste or solid waste in the park.
Forbidden activities
Hunting, commercial fishing, extraction of species of flora and fauna, the discharge of polluting substances into water courses, carrying firearms or any other that may cause damage to natural resources, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, of sound equipment that disturb the tranquility of the park, take photographs or filming for commercial purposes without prior authorization.
To enter the park and conduct scientific research and / or commercial filming, a permit from Inparques is required.