The Juan Crisóstomo Falcón National Park is located in the Sierra de San Luis, which belongs to the Coriano mountain system also known as the Sierra de Coro. Its mountains are of varied reliefs with gentle undulations to steep slopes.

The highest height is occupied by the Galicia hill in the western sector of the park. It is a natural protective zone; in it are the basins of the rivers: Seco, Coro, Mitare, Ricoa and Hueque, all of them are born in its mountains. There is an immense underground water deposit called Curimagua pot. This aquifer has been generated over time due to the karstic or karstic phenomenon, characteristic of the limestone that predominates in the mountains of the sierra. The limestone is dissolved by the action of the organic acids contained in the water, forming fissures and cracks that when uniting are forming larger areas and channels that communicate with large underground galleries. The water penetrates through these channels and accumulates inside the mountain, forming an underground reservoir from which originates numerous springs that, in times of low water, contribute significantly to increase the flow of rivers and reservoirs. The limestone is dissolved by the action of the organic acids contained in the water, forming fissures and cracks that when uniting are forming larger areas and channels that communicate with large underground galleries. The water penetrates through these channels and accumulates in the interior of the mountain, forming an underground reservoir from which originates numerous springs that, in time of drought, contribute significantly to increase the flow of rivers and reservoirs. The limestone is dissolved by the action of the organic acids contained in the water, forming fissures and cracks that when uniting are forming larger areas and channels that communicate with large underground galleries. The water penetrates through these channels and accumulates in the interior of the mountain, forming an underground reservoir from which originates numerous springs that, in time of drought, contribute significantly to increase the flow of rivers and reservoirs. The limestone is dissolved by the action of the organic acids contained in the water, forming fissures and cracks that when uniting are forming larger areas and channels that communicate with large underground galleries. The water penetrates through these channels and accumulates in the interior of the mountain, forming an underground reservoir from which originates numerous springs that, in time of drought, contribute significantly to increase the flow of rivers and reservoirs.




No. and Date

No. 1,550 dated 06/05/1987 / GO dated 33,715 dated 12/05/1987.
to download

Plan of Regulation and Regulation of use

No. and Date

to download

Nº 674 of date 10/05/1995 GO (Extraordinary) Nº 4.910 of fehca 26/05/1995.
to download


15º C – 25º C

Precipitation (mm)
1,000 -1,600 mm.



Superfice (Ha)





Total Area (Ha)


Public consultation

Date of the Public Consultation workshops
17 to 03/19/93

Geological and Geomorphological Information
The Juan Crisóstomo Falcón National Park is located in the Sierra de San Luis, which belongs to the Coriano mountain system also known as the Sierra de Coro. Its mountains are of varied reliefs with gentle undulations to steep slopes. The highest height is occupied by the Galicia hill in the western sector of the park. It is a natural protective zone; in it are the basins of the rivers: Seco, Coro, Mitare, Ricoa and Hueque, all of them are born in its mountains. There is an immense underground water deposit called Curimagua pot. This aquifer has been generated over time due to the karstic or karstic phenomenon, characteristic of the limestone that predominates in the mountains of the sierra. The limestone is dissolved by the action of the organic acids contained in the water, fissures and cracks are formed which, when joined, form larger areas and channels that communicate with large underground galleries. The water penetrates through these channels and accumulates in the interior of the mountain, forming an underground reservoir where many springs originate that, in the dry season, contribute significantly to increase the flow of rivers and reservoirs. The limestone is dissolved by the action of the organic acids contained in the water, forming fissures and cracks that when uniting are forming larger areas and channels that communicate with large underground galleries. The water penetrates through these channels and accumulates in the interior of the mountain, forming an underground deposit from which many springs originate that, in times of drought,

The park has a diverse vegetation composed of deciduous basimontane trophophilous forests and evergreen submontane ombophilous forests. The spines are related to the foothills of the sierra, in which the presence of species such as the cují-yaque Prosopis juliflora, the yaw Cercidium praecox and the tunas Opuntia wentiana and Opuntia caribaea stand out. In the lowland forests there are the Acacia glomerosa tiamo, the guaritoto Urera caracasana, the carcanapire Croton choristolepis, the male yagrumo Didymopanax morototoni, the carnestolendo Cochlospermum vitifolium and in the humid forest grow trees such as the Tacamahaco Protium tovarense, the ramón Trophis racemosa , the dairy Sapium sp., the lid taparo Graffenriera latifolia, the lechoncillo Carica microcarpa, the bucare Erythrina sp.

The park is habitat for a wide variety of birds such as the emerald colliery Chlorostilbon alice, the red-billed parrot Pionus sordidus and the emerald bottle-tip Aulacorhynchus sulcatus, the bellbird Procnias averano, the guacharaca Ortalis ruficauda. Among the mammals we can mention the cunaguaro Felis pardalis, the picure Dasyprocta leporina, the porcupine Coendou prehensilis, the puma or American lion Felis concolor, the lapa Agouti paca, the bear melero Tamandua tetradactyla. Among the reptiles are the tragavened Boa constrictor, the mapnare Bothrops colombiensis, iguanas Iguana iguana, numerous amphibians Hyla luteocellata – Scinax rostrata and lizards Anadia steyeri and Mabuya falconensis.

Location from the Nearest City
The Juan Crisóstomo Falcón National Park (Sierra de San Luis) is located in the extreme south of the Falcón State, occupying part of the Sierra de San Luis, in the Miranda, Bolívar, Colina and Petit municipalities.

How to get
By road following the road that joins Barquisimeto with Coro to the towns of Curimagua or Cabure. By air to the airports of Barquisimeto or Coro.

Recommendations for the Visitor
For excursions and mountaineering the maximum and minimum number of people will be established by the Superintendence of Parks. Avoid lighting fires. Deposit the trash caused by your activities in bags and take them with you until you find a suitable place for disposal.

Forbidden activities
Hunting, commercial fishing, extraction of plant species, sports competitions, motorcycle traffic on the roads or trains, carrying firearms or any other that may cause damage to natural resources, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, introducing exotic species of wild animals.

To investigate and carry out excursions, permission of Inparques is required.