Singular scenic beauties; Abundant orchids of genus Cattleya that adorns the trees. In its adjacencies is the mighty waterfall called San Miguel. It is essential as a water resource because of it are born important streams and rivers that will feed the rich agricultural area of ​​Portuguesa.

Its temperature is 19 ° C. at 22 ° C.


It has an area of ​​12,500 ha.


It was decreed National Park on June 5, 1992.


Geological and Geomorphological Information
It is made up of diverse mountain ranges such as the row of Garabote, Fila Rica, Alta, Agua Amarilla, Los Ranchitos, Miracuy and El Frío. The relief is quite steep with steep slopes, typical of the mountain landscape. The park is located in an area formed by parallel saws, isolated from each other by the Boconó fault. It is a water reserve, since the Ospino, Guache, Bocoy, Are, El Toco, Morador and its tributaries are born there, the Los Caribes streams, San Miguel, Palmarito, Solo Point, Las Rosas, Quebrada Negra, Nuezalito, Agua Cold and Green Stone.

Premontane forest, montane under evergreen. The premontane forest, is a wooded unit between 800 – 1200 msnm in the form of relictos very dispersed. It is possible to distinguish four defined strata of the forest, one consisting of trees with more than 20 m height which make up the canopy, being the following species common: Andira retusa, Billia columbiana, Inga subnuda, Ficus velutina, Garcinia modruno, Maprounea guianensis between others A second stratum is made up of trees whose heights range from 15-20 m., Being common: Cousapoa villosa, Brownea macrophylla, Byrsonima hypoleuca, Inga punctata, Miconia prasina, Myrcia acuminata among others. The third stratum between 7-15 m., Has representative species such as: Alchornea grandiflora, Ardisia foetida, Artocarpus altilis, Astronium graveolens, Brownea grandiceps, Eugenia lambertiana. The fourth stratum is also called undergrowth, species with heights of 5 – 6 m are located here. of height like: Aciotis purpurascens, Aphelandra macrophylla, Begonia formosisima, Heliconia hirsuta, among others. The low montane forest is from 1200 – 1800 masl, has moderate intervention and only some located in difficult access or high slopes. This forest is characterized by the abundant presence of evergreen woody plants whose most common biotypes are the arborescent ferns Cyathea caracasana, Faramea occidentalis, Piper longispicum, Pouteria baehniana, Billia columbiana among others. In them four vertical layers are distinguished, predominating in the one of smaller height, of 5 cm. at 5 m., grasses, sufrutices and saplings such as: Acalypha macrostachya, Ardisia foetida, Besleria pendula, Miconia prasina among others. A second stratum of 6 to 15 m, has typical elements of regeneration and others very specific as: Brownea latifolia, Andean Cyathea, Bunniesia argentea, Mabea occidentalis, Stylogine longifoliam, Palicourea angustifolia. The fourth stratum is composed of trees with more than 20-30 m. of height like: Alchornea triplinervia, Aniva sp, Tabebuia chrysantha, Cecropia sp, Nectandra sp, Dendropanax arboreus, among others.

It has been reported the presence of mammals such as: the wild or gouache Tremarctos ornatus, the monkey araguato Alouatta seniculus, the matacán deer mazama rufina and caramerudo Odocoileus virginianus, the cachicamo Dasypus novemcinctus, the bear melero Tamandua tetradactyla, the fox sink Procyon cancrivorus, Lapa Agouti paca, the porcupine Coendou prehensilis; among the birds we can highlight the guacharaca Ortalis ruficauda, ​​the paují stone crest Pauxi pauxi the turpial Icterus icterus, the mountain tile Thraupis cyanocephala, the white moriche Cissopis leveriana, the gonzalito Icterus auricapillus, the real parrot Amazona ochrocephala. Among the ophidians we can mention the mapnare Bothrops isabelle – Bothrops venezuelensis – Bothrops colombiensis, coral Micrurus mipartitus – Micrurus isozonus the tragavenado Boa constrictor,

This park has beautiful landscapes, but does not have facilities for camping or picnicking.


They are not established.

Location from the Nearest City
El Guache National Park is located in the western central region of the country, in the foothills of the Andes, in the jurisdiction of the municipalities Ospino del Estado Portuguesa and Andrés Eloy Blanco of Lara State.

How to get
By road to the outskirts of the park, taking the road that goes from Acarigua to Guaca. Also on the road that goes to Ospino, crossing the mountains to Sarare.

Recommendations for the Visitor
Respect natural resources and the environment.

Forbidden activities
Light fires. Extract species of plants and animals. Leave or throw solid waste. Mark or cause damage to vegetation. Hunting. Carry firearms or any other that may cause damage to natural resources. Expenditure and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Introduce exotic species of wild animals. Make or fix commercial or political advertisements. Use of sound equipment that disturbs the tranquility of the park.