Located in the central region, it occupies the states of Aragua and Carabobo, with an area of 107,800 hectares.
The National Park Henri Pittier was decreed National Park on February 13, 1937.
It has a temperature that oscillates between 12º and 28ºC. Rainfall varies, 690mm on the coast, 1880mm in El Portachuelo and can reach 4000 mm in the highest areas.
It is the oldest park in the country, originally created in 1937 under the name of Rancho Grande and renamed in 1953 under the name of the illustrious Swiss geographer and botanist Henri Pittier who arrived in Venezuela in 1917 and classified more than 30 thousand plants in the country.
It is located near the towns of Choroní, Cuyagua, Chuao, Cata, La Ciénaga, Ocumare and Turiamo. This park can be reached by the road that goes from Maracay to El Limón, passing by Rancho Grande and going down by Ocumare de la Costa, and by the road that goes from Maracay to Las Delicias and arrives in Choroní.
The geological constitution of the park is basically metamorphic igneous rock, the highest height is 2,436 m. In the same way, there are environments of rocky coastline. Its altitude ranges from sea level to 2,430 m. in the Ashen Peak. It has an important hydrographic network and due to its physical characteristics and the diversity of the zones, it is an exceptional scenario for some migratory species of the avifauna and marine ichthyofauna.
Protected ecosystems and relevant natural attractions
Herbazales and coastal shrubs, deciduous and semi-deciduous seasonal forests, coastal cloud forests. Great diversity of birds, passage of birds and migratory insects in Portachuelo.
More than 500 species of birds and at least 22 endemic species or those of restricted distribution, some of which are threatened with extinction, such as the Paují copete de piedra (Pauxi pauxi). Endemic aquatic mouse (Ichthyomys pittien), marsupial water dog (Chironectes minimus), jaguar (Panthera onca), puma (Puma concolor), cunaguaro (Felis pardalis), araguato monkey (Alouatta seniculus), tapir (Tapirus terrestris), cuchicuchi ( Potos flavus), weasel (Eira barbara).
It presents a high diversity due to the large number of environments involved. The chaparros (Curatella americana, Boudichia virgilioides), the majaguas (Heliocarpus sp.) And the palo maría (Triplaris sp.) Are characteristic of forests at lower altitudes. The ladle or child (Gyranthera caribensis) is an indicator of the cloud forest, as do the macule (Bactris setulosa), caña molinillo (Chamaedorea pinnatifrons), prapa (Wettinia praemorsa) and other genera Geonoma, Hyospathe and Socratea. Araceae, orchids, bromeliads and piperáceas stand out in the group of epiphytic plants.
The San Miguel, Turiamo, Ocumare, Cata, Cuyagua, Aroa, Cepe, Choroní, Chuao rivers drain to the Caribbean Sea. The Guayabita, Colorado, Güey and Limón rivers drain to the lake of Valencia.
Within the park are various recreational areas such as La Guamita, Las Cocuizas, La Trilla, El Polvorin; Paso de Portachuelo birds; the Museum of the Uraca Hydroelectric Plant; the Hacienda de Santa María and the viewpoints of the Maracay-Choroní and Maracay-Ocumare de la Costa thoroughfares.